Lending Library

Some of the books in our collection

The Yearling House is extremely excited to announce the first online parenting book library. This library adds to our porfolio of ways to educate and support parents and families making the correct choice when it comes to the journey called parenthood. A lot of the criticaly aclaimed books are either not available in India or too expensive; this lending library bridges that gap. Now one has access to the top parenting books for a nominal rental fee.

We invite you all to make use of this resource.

We have spelled out the Terms of Use & Method to Use the library below:

Terms of Use:

  1. The Yearling House Library operates on a pan-India basis.
  2. Interested parents can sign up to rent a book by completing the Google form http://goo.gl/forms/oGBzAououc.
  3. There is a deposit and rental fee for the book.
  4. The deposit amount minus rental charge and logistics charge will be returned to you once the book has been received back in good condition. Please allow 3-5 working days for this to be processed once your book has been received by us.
  5. The books can be rented for up to 3 weeks, with one renewal for 3 weeks, after which they are yours.
  6. The 3-week rental period begins as soon as the courier delivers the book to you.
  7. The book needs to be returned to the courier on the last day of the 3-week rental period. Please e-mail us the courier receipt with tracking number.
  8. Cost of return courier will be borne by the sender.
  9. One can extend the rental time of the book once, as long as there are no pending requests from other members.
  10. Additional costs associated with the library are as follows:
    1. Damage/Loss to book                              Deposit Fee
    2. Late Return                                                 Deposit Fee
    3. Missing/Torn Pages                                  Deposit Fee
    4. Some Damage (I.e. food stains)              20% of Deposit Fee

Damage assessment under TYH purview. Our decision regarding damage is final.


How it Works:

  1. See all the books we have available HERE and read the reviews HERE
  2. For the books that you would like to borrow, complete the following form.  http://goo.gl/forms/oGBzAououc
  3. Make payment and e-mail the payment reference number to theyearlinghouse@gmail.com
  4. Your book will be dispatched within 2 days of receiving the payment confirmation.
  5. You will receive the book and an envelope with  return “mailing sticker.” Please keep this safely.
  6. Once the book arrives at your house, you have it for a 3-week period.
  7. When your three week period ends, please courier the book back by using the return mailing envelope we provided you.
  8. You will have to pay the return courier charges.
  9. Once we receive the book and deem it’s in good condition, we will refund you the deposit amount minus the rental and courier charge.


Happy Borrowing! 


